Colombine Teaterförlag

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Dramatiker: Mike Bartlett

3  Skådespelare

Två jobb. Tre kandidater. Det är nu man inte vill ha en fläck på skjortan…
En rå och insiktsfull pjäs om kontorsintriger och mobbning.
Genuint spännande, vågat och fyndigt tränger Bartlett ner i de mörkade skrymslena på en modern arbetsplats.

“A modern morality – or amorality – play that keeps its adrenaline level high and, at the very end, raises it off the charts!” /The New York Times
★★★★ “Vicious comedy – astonishing!”/Time Out New York CRITICS’ PICK
“Fast-paced, fanged and darkly funny – bull charges and makes impact!”/New York Daily News
“Gripping, brutal – a bravura performance!”/Associated Press
“Extraordinary – by the end of Bull you may feel like you’ve been sucker-punched in the gut!”/TheaterMania
“…a maximum of velocity and maximum impact!”/New York Post
“Superb!”/New York Magazine
“Fascinating and very funny – Bull sure packs a punch!”/The New York Observer
★★★★”A very Sharp piece of work!/Financial Times
“A front row seat to some of the fiercest acting in town. Bull is the apprentice as Harold Pinter might have conceived it – Bartlett is a talent to watch!”/Lighting and Sound America
“Bull feels like a ride on a bullet: explosive!”/Stage and Cinema
“A knockout punch of a play – Bartlett is a visionary!”/CurtainUp
