Colombine Teaterförlag

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En helt vanlig familj vaknar en helt vanlig morgon. Vid lunchtid har en slumpmässig handling förändrat allt.

Svensk översättning: Anne Fredriksson

★★★★★ “tucker green’s script is simultaneously everyday and poetic. Repeating patterns of words (in London-Caribbean dialect) expose deep layers of feelings and relationships. The more particular the observations of the family’s life – their expressions of exasperation, impatience or love – the more truthful they feel, and therefore the more familiar and universal. Sister’s heart-wrenching, post-death verbal adjustment, “our… my mum” expresses a loss that hurts us all.” /The Guardian

“Debbie Tucker Green has a poet’s feel for rhythm, a keen ear for urban patois, and the knack of telling a story elliptically, with vivid flecks of detail. ” /Independent

“Amongst the many adjectives which could be used to describe ‘random 7.37’, the one that comes to mind most strongly is necessary.” /British

“This fantastic piece of modern writing /…/ hits home hard the unfair, unexpected and devastating effect of an entirely ‘random’ act of violence.” /A Younger Theatre”

‘random’ became a compelling and totally overwhelming theatrical experience. That is saying a lot, since this topical drama has a single performer and lasts barely 50 minutes.” /Britich Theatre Guide

#våld  #familj  #blacklivesmatter  #blm
